^ Pajamas Party with My Friends
In a dream, I saw my friends in their beautiful nightgowns sitting on a bed with a nice nature scenery outside of the window.

^ Drowning in the Garage
In a dream when I was young, I was sucked in to the ground in front of my house, until my whole body was gone.

^ Sushi 002
In a dream, there was a sushi place that serves only plant-based sushi.

^ Sushi 001
In a dream, there was a sushi place that serves only plant-based sushi.

^ White Tears
In a dream, I wasn’t crying, but my tears were everywhere, and they were all white and sticky like latex glue.

^ Heavy Head
In a dream, I meet too many people.
^ Meeting the Dream Man
In a dream, I was on a hill. Grass on the field dance to the strong breeze. There I met my dream man, not knowing who he was nor could I figure how he looked like.

^ The Missing Face
In a dream, I met many memorable strangers. I could sense their existence, talk to them, connect with them, but I was never able to recognize any of these strangers’ appearance. I would stare at their faces, seeing nothing but emptiness.

^ Aliennational
In a dream, I need to make it out alive, I need to get through and blend myself in. Don't stand out. Be part of the matrix.

^ Clear Vision
What is it? What is it? Oh I'm just waking up...